For delivering you a better service sometimes we need to collect and store some of your information from what you share with us. We are acknowledging it to you as we respect your privacy before anything else. We recommend reading you this privacy policy for the betterment of your understanding of how we collect, use, maintain, store and disclose the collected information from each user.
We collect both personal and non-personal identification information from our users.
Personal Identification Information
Personal Identification Information may be collected from users varied in many ways through such activities, services or resources someone uses from our website or mobile app. Even though a user may visit or use our app anonymously if they fancy to, we will only collect the identification information from the users if they submit such information to us voluntarily. But as asserted earlier that we respect the privacy of our users, they can always refuse to concent to us using their personal identification information if they don’t want to engage in certain site-related activities.
Non-personal Identification Information
This may include the browser name, the browser version, type of device and technical information about the users who are connected to our website or app. Technical information consists of such operating system, IP address, internet service provider’s utilization and some other similar information. This will only happen when a user interacts with our website and app.
We may capture user session to provide better user experience with the app.
Cookies are very small .txt files to identify your computer to a certain database or server as a unique user only when you visit and accept from any certain websites. These text files are saved in user’s hard disk drive by the internet browser. Cookies save and server IP (internet protocol) address and other small similar details to the server it is connected to.
Our site may use cookies for the enhancement of the user experience. You can always refuse not to use cookies when you are being alerted you that cookies are being sent.
Xtra may use its user’s personal information for the purpose of running and operating of the site and app as the user wants it to be.
Against the unauthorized access, disclosure, destruction or alteration of your personal information, username, password, transaction information and all the data stored on our database we take proper care for storage of storage, data collection, processing practices and security measures.
We do not sell our user personal identification information by any means. We may share combined collective demographic information with our business partners, affiliates whom we trust and our renowned advertising partners to give the best of our customized service for a group of users but that is not linked to any personal identification information.
For providing more enhanced services to our user, Xtra has the discretion to update this policy at any time as per its needs. When we do update our privacy policy, we will notify you through our web site or app or other media. We strongly encourage our users to frequently check the privacy policy to stay informed about how much we are attentive to our user’s personal information that they share with us.
By using this site or app, you convey your acceptance of this policy. Following the posting of changes, this policy will be deemed to your acceptance of your continued use of the site or the app.
If you have questions, appreciations, suggestions or complaints about our privacy policy of using our site or app, please contact us